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  • Are High Holy Day services going to be offered in-person as well as online this year?
    Yes, to provide an inclusive and welcoming High Holy Day experience, we will be holding services in-person as well as offering live streaming through our website.
  • How will I be able to access services from home?
    Please contact our office at 204-589-6305 to make arrangements for your “virtual ticket”. Once you have made your arrangements you will be provided with an access code and be able to participate in our livestream services. In the coming weeks, there will be more specific details about how to tune in.
  • Will there be Shofar blowing this year?
    Yes. The Shofar will be blown for the entire month of Elul. This means that prior to the start of our weekday services (M-Th) at 6pm via Zoom, someone will blow the Shofar. There is Halachic justification where one can fulfill one’s obligation for hearing the shofar through amplified electronic means in cases of extreme duress. The Shofar will also be heard on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Since the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat this year the Shofar will not be blown. You will also be able to hear the Shofar live and in-person at our outdoor Tashlich service.
  • I have a Virtual Ticket. What will I use for a Mahzor?
    We will provide copies of the Mahzor Lev Shalem for you to use with the purchase of your “virtual ticket”. We will then make arrangements to collect them after the High Holy Days.
  • Will there still be a family service and/or children’s services?
    We are excited to offer a family friendly service for families with children up to Grade 4 for both days of Rosh Hashanah as well as Yom Kippur Day. ● Rosh Hashanah - Day 1 - Saturday, September 16 - Morning Service from 10:30 - 11:15am ● Rosh Hashanah - Day 2 - Sunday, September 17 - Morning Service from 0:30 - 11:15am ● Yom Kippur Day - Monday, September 25 - Morning Service from 10:30 - 11:15am *Family fee for ALL three services is $72 (or $30 for each service). There is no charge for Main Service ticket holders. Please contact Congregation Etz Chayim at or by phone at (204) 589-6305 to reserve a space.
  • Will there be Junior Congregation programs this year?
    Yes! With the start of High Holy Days, Programs for Junior Kindergarten up to Grade 6. During Rosh Hashanah day 2 and Yom Kippur there is a family-friendly service for adults with children up to Grade 5. Fee for Junior Congregation Programs is $85. Please contact Congregation Etz Chayim at or by phone at (204) 589-6305 to reserve a space.
  • Will there be a choir this year?
    Yes! Our choir will be performing live this year and can be heard in-person with the purchase of a ticket or via our Live Stream with the purchase of a virtual ticket. Please, help us welcome our new Choir Director: Kelly Robinson, the adult members of the choir: George Bajer-Koulack, Josh Bellan, Phil Corrin, Cheryle Freedman, Grant Goldberg, Holly Harris, Arthur Liffmann, Cyra Moore-Freedman, Haviva Polevoi, and youth choir members: Juliet Eskin, Alex Schaeffer, Hannah Schaeffer and Janna Soronow.
  • Is there going to be Tashlich?
    Yes! This year we are participating in a community wide Tashlich Program. Join us on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 4:30 pm at the Assiniboine Park Duck Pond - Picnic Shelter. 4:30 - Reverse Tashlich 5:00 - Family Picnic 6:00 - Tashlich Ceremony & Shofar Blowing This is a free event.
  • Is there going to be a bin for food donations?
    Yes. Bins from JCFS will be available on Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidrei. Kindly bring your donation to the synagogue and place it in the available bins by the entrance.
  • How should I dress for services?
    We suggest that some level of dressing up could add a sense of holiness to the day, however, dressing more comfortably is perfectly acceptable. Feel free to wear a Tallit and/or head covering. There is also a tradition to wear white on Yom Kippur, and to abstain from wearing leather shoes.
  • Will the Etz Chayim catering department be providing takeout meals for Rosh Hashanah?
    No, we are not offering a catering menu this year.
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